Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Threading eyebrows is haraam who would have thought?

This is my first blog. Ever. Excuse me if I confuse up english or arabic words I've been in the process of speaking no arabic (well being shy to speak it but understanding only- parents talking to us in arabic we reply in english) 2 years ago to learning the emaraty dialect from my fiance.

(an image I sent to my friends: my new eyebrows :(
Today we fought about guess what. Yes. Eyebrows. Unbelievable ha. Apparently its haram to thread them and he doesn't want me threading them and used a hadith "l3ana allah ilnamii9 wal mutanames" which kinda shut me up because I had nothing to reply back with. In the end I agreed not to do them and put in my mind I would have to either learn to do them myself or let him drop me to the salon and pretend to be going for a manicure- he doesn't realise if I have them done anyway as thankfully I'm not that hairy. Can one of the sisters please explain to me why its haram to thread and are there any sunni hadiths that oppose this...and its the first time I hear about "tashgeer" a method of dying the excess eyebrow blond (yes lol!) and trimming which I dont think I'd like to try as it would leave an unclean look for me.

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